Круглосуточная трансляция из офиса Эргосоло

Не мир я принёс, но меч и магию

Thoughts about carpentry. Part four

In Roman Empire you didn’t have a soap. In Oman Empire you don’t have a soap opera. I am looking for a reason to catch you up with the joke about conflict of civilizations: every man has to get the nail into the wall but hopefully without Jesus Christ crippled by a hammer.

Blade of the sword

Count Uvarov once claimed that you gonna have Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationality to provide young people with the education otherwise you have burlesque in the heads. That is so influential, this western world, yep. The paradigm stayed in mind for all generations till now. And you gotta confront that if you try to crack what is your screenplay gonna be about. The essence of drama is working with patterns. There are different levels — social and religious. Every time you touch people’s lifes you meet these questions like «Who we are?», «Why we do that?» and «Are there any sense, reason or love in our lives?».

So we are human and that is enough but just you do crawl like an ant to the problem of being that goddamn human. Essentially we have society that rolls like a thunder. I mean — socially. Middle age gone and then, beyond the sword, we have economics unfolding more and more. And as a result now is the time we spend half-life in offices. As philosopher Geydar Dzhemal said, we don’t really stand in the face of the universe anymore. Pessimistic saying but it makes an impression. You want to argue with that.

So what is the drama of modern man?

That is not what Count Uvarov said. That is closer to bushido.

The phrase about Christ in the beginning is about that. You shouldn’t have it all. Don’t get this as propaganda of christianity. We are tired of that, and I personally stay foolish, stay hungry not to be taken with this dull answer. So Christ is the metaphor in the phrase. I understood it in such way. Thus spoke Arabov. That was the question, definitely.

Глеб Буланников


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